Ajax, Ontario L1S 2P1, Canada
Ajax, Ontario L1S 2P1, Canada
Signed in as:
Are you shopping around for Jon Renau products in Canada and having difficulty?
Well, you can't say that anymore, now that you found The Wig Wardrobe.
Any type of online shopping can be challenging with so many options! With that said, alternative hair may seem even more difficult, being such a personal and possibly private item.
With over 16 years of both personal and professional experience along with your help - I'm confident you'll end up with what you've been looking for! Unfortunately, colours will be portrayed differently from screen to screen; if you're not in a rush, I recommend having colour samples sent out so you can find your perfect match in person before you purchase.
I carry many toppers (volumizers) from the Jon Renau & easiHair Collections. A simple item such as an easiPart can seriously be life-changing; this I know 100%!
From temporary to permanent hair loss, no matter the case, I've literally got you covered from A-Z.
Even if you're just looking to add a pop of colour for aSole Owner & Survivor of both the medical world & the Corporate Industry. themed party or sporting event, bulk up a messy bun by using a scrunchie or attach a ponytail for length, head wear to keep warm and/or simply stylish, you can even have a custom pieces made to meet your specific requirements and lastly wig accessories for everything you'll need to care for your new do.
<3 Shaunna
Sole Owner & Survivour
C.O.R.E. 1 & 2 has been designed to provide a wide-scale of education, from proper fiber care ,base & cap designs, sizing to customization's of wigs & toppers. Jon Renau's Educational Team takes it beyond by bringing in world renowned professionals to teach us hands on!
Jon Renau Core 1 Certified 2014, Canada
Jon Renau Core 1 Certified 2018, California
Jon Renau Core 2 Certified 2018, California
Goals & Aspirations
A promise to myself is to continuously learn & grow in every way possible, this way I can promise to make your experience something you'll want to remember or even talk about with others! - no matter what the circumstances.
CORE Academy is a two-day education event solely focused on hair replacement and highlights the new direction of this industry.
This program offers a complete portfolio of courses taught by industry experts in their own area of expertise.
CORE Academy - Certified 2019, California
Sadly, class was online for 2 days verse in sunny CA. Still excited & eager to attend I got my comfy cozies on for day 1 w/ Joanna Zarate, the topics she covered were great. Day 2 (My Fav!), hands on while following along to a live demo with Emily Bulkwalter & much more.
CORE TOPPER - Certified Nov 2020, Ajax
The Wig Wardrobe is a Canadian-owned company servicing men & women coast to coast to coast. This passion of mine stemmed from my hair loss journey during my early 20s. While on the road to recovery, I had realized that I wanted to open a wig boutique in my hometown. The notebooks of ideas started flowing, going back to work was nowhere in sight - but I was determined to have it all figured out so that I was ready! Joining my daughter's Parent council was the best decision I ever made to start getting me back on track. My life was forever changed when Roxanne joined the Family Christmas Party that I was chairing at the time back in 09.
Having been mentored by Roxanne Annibale, hands-on in the industry with always & only one vision in mind: helping others. By 2012, my dream had become a reality; Wig Wardrobe was founded in Ajax, Ontario, with the sole purpose of helping people regain their confidence when faced with any type of hair loss or need, for that matter.
Whether you're facing medical issues or simply looking for any type of hair alternatives, you don't have to do it alone! That's where I, ~ Wig Wardrobe ~ come into play. For the past 12 years, I have been H.A.I.R. to help many newbies & lifelong wearers.
Being an online boutique, I can cater to each client’s unique style & needs from the comfort of your home.
Treat yourself to a one-of-a-kind online personal experience; you deserve it!
"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!"-Audrey Hepburn
The Wig Wardrobe is proudly shipping coast to coast to coast; this isn't a store where you just click & pick, then get what you get! Sometimes, shopping online for alternative hair is your only option due to your location.. Unfortunately, one can easily be taken advantage of. Are you even looking at a trusted site with everything popping up these days on FB & Instagram? Learn More here
Jon Renau is a family-owned company - all human hair is
When shopping here, you're guaranteed to get what you paid for and more!
Where do you start after you've just watched 1000 YouTube videos?
-I love games - let's play a little one...nothing to win - so just go with it :)
With the options below - arrange them in the order you think would be the best way to start looking for your new do.
If you answered anything other than how it's laid out, you wouldn't necessarily have that hard of a time, but it could be a little easier for you with these steps - like finding Waldo, say, within 2 pages of craziness versus a needle in a haystack!
Size - is most important for obvious reasons. Then colour - Not all wigs come in the same colour - Why would life be that easy? Nothing's worse than finding the style you love, but none of the colours work well for you per se. Lastly, the style - once you know your size and desired colour you now can look at styles with those specs alone, which narrows down your search immensely and doesn't leave you bombarded with options that look good but don't work for you. Keep in mind modification can be made to pretty much everything you order - just not colour if it's a synthetic or HD.
Remember we can cover a lot in a phone consult before you order! With a little info from you and a few pictures, if you're willing to share. I can zone in on some styles for you to look at as well as colour!
If possible have your measurements handy when you call, this way we can start there.
Use the link below as a How To Walkthrough
There's really a lot to think about! If you're still a little leery and don't want to start this alone then simply start by writing in :)
<3 Shaunna
Owner & Operator
A warm welcome from John while at C.O.R.E Carlsbad, CA | 2018